Sunday, 6 January 2013

After going over my designs again I am beginning to have second thoughts about the Protagonist alien I'm not satisfied with my current design for him.
My vision of this character is a mysterious and shady character who is helping the human protagonist for unknown reasons after aiding him through the complex after the corruption has taken most of the Prison.

Upon finally meeting the mysterious alien the human is shocked to find out he was being aided by prisoner who has somehow escaped from his prison and taken over the control room on Deck A4050.

I am yet undecided if this should be the VIP prisoner instead the main threat I had originally planned.
The threat could possibly be a largely unknown entity developed within the bowls of the prison by the Head Warden's personal scientists.
Somehow this VIP prisoner is connected to with Head Warden and the strange experiments being conducted in the bowls of the Prisons inner sanctums.

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