Monday, 10 December 2012

During The feedback session a valuable point was mentioned about the lack of humanity or expression present in my would be alien protagonist.
In my future studies I shall re work my current design to try and add a seance of personality that is readable and recognisable to a human audience. As well as concept the abilities this alien will posses, I wanted this character to exhibit something akin to telekinesis as well as other psychic esc abilities such as telepathy and perhaps some type of healing.

Most importantly these abilities are fuelled by a type of energy that is harnessed in all living things. The connection between the protagonists power and the universal energy is noticed by the Head Warden, who just so happens to be a half insane, sadistic, madman currently living out a life long obsession with the discovery and harnessing of said energy.  

Sunday, 18 November 2012

 this image was some concept sketches for the main protagonist of the story a telepathic semi aquatic native of the planet the prison is situated. His species is heavily despised by the local humans due to a wave of xenophobia that has swept throughout the colonies and as such his race suffer greatly at the hands of the prison guards especially when those hands happen to belong to the head warden.

I created a more refined image of the top right concept in the previous image as it fitted best with what I was looking for in my protagonist alien.
It was very important that out of all my aliens this guy has to vaguely resemble a human at least emotionally more than any other alien character but still remain quite alien at the same time. I found that by removing his mouth and focusing on his eyes and brow line I can still give this guy some powerful emotional expressions to guide the viewer visually through this guys story.
I will develop this guy further to breath some life and character into him and to also refine the design to enhance the visual interest as I feel he is looking a bit plain at the moment.

Here are some more designs for the Behemoth esk alien who is apart of the trio that is lead into the prison along with the protagonist. I have ideas for this guy bursting free of his restraints and causing a big riot and almost stepping on the main protagonist alien who barley escapes the slaughter but who's abilities during the skirmish don't go unnoticed.
Here are my first sketches of some strange creatures mainly based on sea animals and bacteria I like the guy on the left as I wanted one of my alien trio to represent aggression and looking very sharp and deadly so I think I will run with him for that purpose.
As for the other two I can see these perhaps being characters already present in the prison at the time the protagonist arrives at the prison and they are inmates he meets during his captivity.
After Discussing my ideas and alien concepts in the lecture it was pointed out that my designs looked kinda like they could be costumes worn by ordinary humans due to there anatomical structure being very similar to a human as opposed to an alien being.

I not only want to experiment with new body shapes but to consider the design aspects of these creatures and to make them visually more interesting and impactfull on the viewer. 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

This is a concept for the power generators located within the prison's surface building. I based there design on ww2 turbine generators. I plan to add colour and lighting affects to the turbine to complete the image, as for the colour? I plan on using red to visually through the viewer off and put them in an uneasy state of mind as red naturally signifies to us the threat of danger which will help the viewer/player realise that this base and the people within are not what they appear.

Some Ideas i came up with while on the bus The first upper most designs were basically the prison's exterior. I liked the left design as to me it resembles a ww2 pillbox which matches my theme for the project.

The second set of designs focus on the idea that the planet has largely been mechanized or mechaformed into a synthetic world much to the dismay of the indigenous aliens. The core of the planet has been converted into a type of reactor which receives bursts of energy from satellite orbiting in space that convert all sorts of space matter into energy. The highest ranked alien threats are also held here, there restrains are powered by the reactor core of the planet itself! The image on the right depicts a shuttle transporting Alpha level alien prisoners to the planet's core to be held in the maximum security holding chambers located within.

Here are my early attempts at city designs one from street level and the other a view of the city.
I created these a test for environment painting for which I still feel a bit awkward, I feel I need to do more conceptual designs on the look and feel of the city and the prison's exterior as of right now I'm not quite satisfied.
After looking around the internet and talking with friends and family I liked the idea of the head warding offering strong resemblance to a German officer in affect I'm playing of stereo types to achieve a strong seance of association. I also wanted to give this guy a slight hint of mad scientist or doctor to suggest that this guy deals with experimentation and genetic research on the prisoners in order to endow himself with the mental capabilities of the alien species such as telepathy, pyrotechnics and other forms of physic powers. I really liked this idea as it draws a strong correlation with the occult research of the Nazi's in ww2 this in affect led to my decision to perhaps base my design and feel of the project on a ww2 theme injected with a Sci-Fi twist.
I took the rough sketches of the wardens body shapes and used it to flesh out some armour designs as I wanted the corporation that ran the prison to have dealings in other shady business and to be affectedly a private military force.
After discussing ideas with the group a number of problems were brought up about having an all alien cast might muddle the differentiation between the guards and the prisoners.
I also felt that this idea was not working and wanted to take it in a new direction by re designing the head warden as a human and fleshing out the story.

I continued on to drawing up some rough sketches of this guy's anatomy but I couldn't quite decide on what I liked, however I was leaning towards the upright but slightly hunched look.
I started with various sketches of alien creatures as a starting point for the character design module.
I started to like the look of the guy in the bottom left so i decided to run with him as the head warden.